Best Raccoon Deterrent of 2023 with Reviews and Buying Guide: Do the furry bandits keep invading your house no matter how many attempts you have made to remove them? You are probably tired of applying numerous different methods to get rid of them, but the creature ends up trespassing and ruins the beauty of your yard.
So, it’s high time for you to seek help under some effective deterrent and repellent products to get rid of them for good.
However, you might be perplexed enough about which product to choose? As you will get a plethora of alternatives in the market. Worry not! We know what’s best for you; here are our suggestions for the best five best raccoon deterrents. Before you dig deep into the list, you need to understand the types of deterrents and repellents and how they work. So, without further delay, here are the unique options as follows: –
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Types of Raccoon Deterrent
Deterrents and repellents for raccoons come in various types. However, there are some famous methods that are used frequently to get rid of raccoons. The methods are efficient enough to deal with the raccoon problem. Come, let us have a glance.
DIY Raccoon Repellent Spray
As the name indicates, you can make a repellent spray in the home using some household ingredients. Though, there are two categories of homemade repellents. These are taste repellent and odor repellent for raccoons.
The odor repellent includes ammonia, predators’ urine, and essential oil of pine or pepper. All this will create a very strong and effective flavor that will easily deter the raccoon’s nose. Whereas, taste repellent for raccoons can be made of onion, pepper, vinegar, and castor oil, all of which will upset the raccoon’s taste bud.
Electrical Repellent
Raccoons have a weak heart. They fear loud noises or fake predators’ statues. You can use this weakness as your advantage by setting motion-activated sprinkles, large owl eyes, loud ultrasonic devices, water sprinkles, or motion detection. Another option can be installing electric fencing all over the location.
Electrical Repellents are an easy yet effective solution to handle these raccoons. This will save much time of yours not only that, it will work in two ways like frightening raccoons and will provide a nice view of the ground.
Placing live traps
You might be wondering whether it is humane to trap raccoons. Here we can give you a clear understanding. Raccoons scavenge for food. Daily for their family, so is it viable for you to trap it? The answer is raccoons damage your property and are very witty and stubborn creatures. So, trapping them can be a go-to option for you. A raccoon trap can be a harmless option. By that, you can easily remove and relocate them with the help of animal control in your locality.
The best effective way of trapping is using a live trap with bait, which can be a wise option to catch them successfully.
Now, you are well aware of repellent and deterrent types and their methods. You can easily choose any of the methods that suit your preference. But is that all you need to know before choosing the best deterrent product for raccoons?
Not really!
There are a few aspects which we recommend you pay a close look at. These are a number of buying guides you need to consider before purchasing any product. It will not hamper your time. So kindly bear with us.
Some Extra Buyers Guide to Consider Before Buying the Product
As you now know the approaches towards the raccoons differ from each other. Do not get overwhelmed by a large number of choices. We are here to solve your dilemma.
Safety is our first priority while using any product. Whether it is safe for pets or infants, that question may roam your mind. Electric repellents such as ultrasonic sounds are not good for indoor use. It may affect the home animals. But the natural raccoon repellents are safe for both pets and children.
Estimated area
Before using any product, you have to have a better idea about the size of the area. If you have a large area to cover, you will require many numbers of diluted sprays as some products are good only for spot treatment.
Efficiency rate
Products come with two options; one is for outdoor use, another for indoor use. Sometimes can be used in both ways. Remember to read the instruction carefully, as the effectiveness of the product depends on the proper understanding of the instructions.
Some products may not go well with the rainy season. The applying process can create a big margin of failure considering the weather terms. Be sure to know that the products go well with the rainy, dry, or snow weather.
If you are spending hips of money, you better keep an eye on repellent products that give long-lasting results, which gives value to the money that you have spent.
So that’s pretty much what you need to know before buying any repellent products. You may find repellent products that don’t carry these qualities, but you will understand which product is best to use against raccoons.
So, we have reached the most anticipating part of the article. We have gathered a list of the best raccoon deterrent. Our review will cover the pros and cons that we have practically figured out by using the deterrent products. To save your time, we have sweated off ourselves.
Top 5 Best Raccoon Deterrent of 2023: Reviews and Buying Guide
1. Havahart Critter Ridder 3164
This is the best natural raccoon spray because it is made with natural ingredients. The core ingredient of the product is blended hot pepper, which is very effective in getting rid of Raccoon.
As it is made with an all-natural organic formula, it gives effective results by repelling the raccoons. Interestingly, it is a form of granules that goes well in the rain. It comes in different designs and shapes. When raccoons taste the product, it will make havoc in their mouth. The burning will make the raccoons irritated.
As a result, the frequent visit will get a stoppage. Thus, the product will help you to get the raccoons away from your property.
Instruction to use the product
Try to spray the solution directly in the soil, near areas of dustbins, spots where raccoons are often active. The taste and smell of the product are very strong, so both will be unhappy raccoons.
2. Rodent Defense Spray
Suppose you are looking for a safe option to tackle the raccoons. You can choose rodent defense spray. It comes in the form of a spray and can be sprayed in areas where it is hard to reach. It is effective for outdoor areas like plants, gardens, and lawns. The solution is made of white pepper and garlic, rosemary oils, and peppermint.
It is safe to apply as it’s made with natural and organic pest control ingredients. No toxic elements are added to the solution. The best part is the taste and smell of the product are so unpleasant that raccoons simply loathe it.
Instruction to use the product
Rodent Defense Spray should be sprayed in the areas where you do not want raccoons to enter. Spray the areas properly; once they get the smell, they will not come into the areas again. This can also repel small insects like mice, rabbits, etc.
3. Austin’s Ammonia Clear
Ammonia is an agricultural fertilizer. It is used in many ways like cleaning cloths, dustbins, and garages. But it is also a raccoon deterrent. Austins’s ammonia clear is a product that is made of ammonia, which comes in liquid form.
It can help you to get rid of the raccoons has it has a smell that raccoons hate. Raccoons are dependent on their nose. So, if raccoons smell ammonia, they will escape the place as soon as possible. This is a product that works for dual purposes.
Instruction to use the product
You can sprinkle the product all over the places and areas where there are activities of raccoons. Spray Austin’s ammonia clear in the trash cans, garbage areas, and dustbins. As raccoons like this dirty stuffs. Another method is to use a couple of towels, soak them in the ammonia, and place them in the areas where raccoons visit more.
4. Nite Guard Solar Predator Control
It is always not necessary to use chemical products to get rid of raccoons. There are other ways for you to solve this taunting issue. In this case, nite guard solar predator control has its unique way of driving raccoons away.
The product has flashes that give bright red light. Such lights are considered a threat to the animals. If any raccoons visit the area, the flashing red light of the device will show a strange creature gazing at them. It will scare them so much that they might shift the location. So, it’s the best solution for nocturnal predators such as raccoons.
Instruction to use the product
You can easily install this device in outdoor areas like gardens or lawn areas. It has two mount options which are cluster and perimeter. When the product senses an intruder, it will increase the light. By this, you can understand any animal has trespassed in your area.
5. Shake Away Raccoon Repellent
Shake-away raccoon repellent is made of coyote urine. You must be thinking, about what makes the product effective against the raccoons. Raccoons are territorial creatures; they mark their spot with urine or fences.
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So, if you spray shake away raccoon repellent in the areas, they will think that other predators have taken over the place. The product is made of limestone, crystalline silica, and coyote urine. This combination makes the repellent very effective towards the raccoons. It can also work on other animals that damage the lawn.
Instruction to use the product
You can spray this on your lawns or garden. Especially in the trash or attic corners where they actually hide or live. You have to use this repellent twice a week in the initial stage. Then you can give once a week. It can last up to 6 weeks.
Final Words: Best Raccoon Deterrent 2023
So, these are the five best raccoon deterrent and repellent products available on the market. We’ve penned down every aspect of the articles; it’s on you to select a deterrent product that best suits your preference. There might still be a bit of perplexity roaming in your mind about which is the best raccoon deterrent?
For that, we have made two final recommendations based on the best budget raccoon deterrent and the best overall raccoon deterrent. These are:
Budget Best Raccoon Deterrent 2023
Nite Guard Solar Predator Guard is efficient against raccoons as it successfully scares the raccoons away for a long time. A device that comes with no maintenance is solar-powered and at an affordable price will surely add value to your purchase. All in all, it is the best budget raccoon deterrent.
Overall Best Raccoon Deterrent 2023
Undoubtedly, Austin’s Ammonia Clear is an effective deterrent solution. The product can be used in two ways clearing garbage, disposals, and other household work. Another repelling raccoon from the property. Raccoons hate the smell of ammonia, which will work best for you. Nonetheless, this is the best overall raccoon deterrent.
Frequently Asked Question
What scent will keep raccoons away?
Raccoons have a strong-smelling power. By which, they look for foods. You can easily take this to your side by using strong scents. Smells like hot pepper, peppermint oil, ammonia, and vinegar raccoons hate the most, and their nose cannot simply bear this.
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What are raccoons afraid of?
Raccoons do fear natural predators and stay away from them. For instance, bobcats, horned owls, and coyotes. Raccoons are chubby and large in size, but they are afraid of ferocious animals which are larger than them.
What is a natural deterrent for raccoons?
The home spices like black pepper, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper do irritate a raccoon’s nose. It forces them to change their direction of the location due to the smell of spices. Using this, you can easily make a natural deterrent spray.
Do vinegar keeps raccoons away?
Vinegar has a very strong smell. Raccoons cannot really bear the taste or smell of it. They run away as soon as they get the smell of vinegar. If you spray this to your yard or garden, they are unlikely to return anytime soon.