How Do Plants Contribute To The Water Cycle? Complete Guide

How Do Plants Contribute To The Water Cycle

How Do Plants Contribute To The Water Cycle: When people observe the Earth from space, they call it the “Blue Planet” because water bodies cover over 70% of its crust. Water is necessary for the survival of life on Earth, as evidenced by the fact that the first living form evolved in the seas more than 3.5 billion years ago.

Due to the sun’s heat, water evaporates from water bodies and plants and rises upward in the atmosphere as water vapor. The chilly temperature consolidates water vapor into small water droplets at the cloud level. These water droplets congregate to create rain clouds, which cause precipitation on the Planet and restore water to the Earth. The water cycle refers to the cyclic evaporation process, transpiration, precipitation, and water absorption.

The water cycle is a vital ecological mechanism that regulates the amount of water in the Earth’s atmosphere and ecosystems. The water cycle is the cyclic transfer of water from water and groundwater bodies into the atmosphere via plants, which participate in this cycle through photosynthesis and transpiration.

What Is Evapotranspiration?


What Is Evapotranspiration?


Evapotranspiration is the total amount of water that evaporates from the land surface and evaporates from plants, which is called evapotranspiration.

If you read the definition of evapotranspiration, you will reveal that it can be different. All the water that evaporates and drips down into the ground is called “evapotranspiration.” Some people say that evaporation from surface-water bodies, even the oceans, is part of the definition. As for evapotranspiration, though, we won’t use it to describe evaporation from surface water since we have a web page about evaporation. Here, evapotranspiration is the water that leaves the ground surface, evaporates from the capillary fringe of the groundwater table, and evaporates from plants that have roots that reach the capillary fringe of the groundwater table. The banner at the top of this page gives an even more simple answer to the question.

The transpiration part of evapotranspiration is when water evaporates from plant leaves. Most of the moisture in the air comes from oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and streams. The rest comes from sublimation, which is when water evaporates and leaves behind vapor (sublimation is converting the ice directly into vapor without becoming a liquid).

What Is Transpiration?

Transpiration is the mechanism by which moisture departs green plants via microscopic pores in their leaves, known as stomata. Stomata are holes in plants’ leaves and stem that allow them to interchange water and gases.

Root hairs at the root’s terminal ends gather moisture from the surrounding soil and carry it to the leaves via the stem. By transpiration, leaves transfer the collected moisture into the atmosphere.

In dry weather, the stomata stretch and open the window to release water vapor during transpiration, which keeps the plant cool and draws up groundwater through the roots to the leaves. Stomatal apertures contract to inhibit transpiration during rainy and cool weather conditions, lowering groundwater absorption through roots.

The U.S. Geological Survey says that about 10% of the water vapor in the air comes from transpiration when water vapor comes out of plant leaves. Plant roots get water from the ground. This is how they do it. It evaporates into the air when small holes in the leaves called stomata open up during photosynthesis, letting some of this water into the air.

Contribution of Plants To The Water Cycle


Contribution Of Plants To The Water Cycle


A comparison of tropical rainforests and extensively deforested areas demonstrates the function of plants in the water cycle. Rainforests are densely packed with various plants, ranging from tall trees to ground-level grasses. Plants in such places transpire rapidly, and the water vapor generated by plants is visible as steam rises from the foliage. This emitted water vapor aids in the cooling and retention of moisture in the environment.

On the other side, many metropolitan regions have cleared enormous amounts of forest land in order to build structures and obtain raw materials for different manufacturing businesses. Because there are no plant roots to soak water deep into the soil, a lack of forest cover causes soil erosion and depletes groundwater reserves.

Deforested lands become drier over time and are frequently flooded or drought-stricken. The groundwater level falls because there is no mechanism for surface runoff to percolate deep into the ground without plants. Furthermore, there is little transpiration in deforested areas, resulting in low water content in the atmosphere and dry arid climatic conditions.


The typical plant and any that can be found in a landscape get water from the ground through its roots. To do metabolic and physiologic things with that water, the plant’s stomata, which are small, closeable, pore-like formations on the surface of its leaves, eventually let the water out into the air as vapor. It’s called transpiration, when plants take in water at the roots, move water through their tissues, and let out vapor through their leaves. Water also evaporates from the soil near the plant and into the air. Eventually, the plant’s stems and leaves also dry up and become dry. Scientists call together evaporation and transpiration evapotranspiration, which is also called ET. In this article, we tried to make you understand how do plants contribute to the water cycle. We hope this will be helpful for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How Much Water Do Plants Transpire?

Plant transpiration is a somewhat inconspicuous process. You don’t just go out and witness the leaves “breathing” because the water evaporates from their surfaces. Even though you can’t see the water, it’s still released into the atmosphere. Placing a transparent plastic bag around with some plant leaves is one technique to visualize transpiration. As shown in the image, the condensed water will condense on the bag’s interior. A leaf usually transpires several times its weight in water during the growing season. Each day, an acre of corn emits approximately 3,000-4,000 gallons (11,400-15,100 liters) of water, whereas a large oak tree can emit 40,000 gallons (151,000 liters) every year.

What Are The Factors To Affect Transpiration?

The volume of water that the plants use varies significantly between places and over time. There are a lot of things that affect how quickly water evaporates:

Temperature: In the season of growing, when the air is comparatively warmer due to more sunlight and warmer air masses, the rate at which water evaporates goes up. The plant cell controls the opening during warmer weather when water is released into the air (stoma) opens. During colder weather, the openings close.

Relative Humidity: As relative humidity around the plant rises, the air and the rate of water evaporating from the plant slows down. To evaporate water, you need dry air. To evaporate water, you need moist air.

Wind and Air Movement: There will be more transpiration when there is more motion in the air surrounding a plant. In this case, wind moves the air around, which means that more moist air near the leaf is supplemented by dryer air.

Soil-moisture Availability: When there isn’t enough moisture in the soil, plants can start to age too quickly, leading to leaf loss. They also use less water.

Type of Plant: Plants use water in different ways. Some plants that live in dry places, like cacti and succulents, use a comparatively lower amount of water than plants of other types.

What Is The Relation Between Transpiration And Groundwater?

Most of the time, the upper surface of the soil at which plant roots are is above the water table. This means that the soil is wet to some degree but not completely saturated like soil below the groundwater, which can be very wet. When it rains, water from the surface seeps into the soil above the groundwater and makes it wet. This will dry out without any more rain. Because the groundwater is usually underneath the depth of the root system, the plants get their water from rain. It shows that in places where there is a lot of water, like next to lakes and oceans, plant roots can go down into the zone of saturation below the water table. This allows the plants to get water straight from the groundwater system. When groundwater evaporates, the water table drops. This is like the impact of a well being pumped.

Elysha Murphy

I'm Elysha Murphy, the creator of Easier Gardening. I am very passionate about gardening, and love sharing everything I learn about them.

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