How to Grow Lemon Tree from a Cutting? Explained with Tips & Tricks

How to Grow Lemon Tree from a Cutting?

How to Grow Lemon Tree from a Cutting? A lemon tree can be grown from a cutting. Lemon trees (Citrus limon) not only add elegance to courtyards and terraces, but they also produce tart, delicate, yellow fruits. They are very hardy, and lemon cuttings are simple to grow, but you must use sterile tools and provide the cut with all of the tools it requires to grow a good, productive tree. Lemon trees cannot be cut because the resulting tree does not have the same disease resistance as commercially grafted lemon trees.

A Word of Warning

When growing lemon trees, Phytophthora and foot rot can be major issues, particularly when they are pruned. Nursery school If foot rot is not a problem in your field, lemon trees are propagated with a more disease-resistant root system, so only a lemon tree can grow from a cut.

Bring your lemon tree home, plant it in a pot, and shield it from frost and frost with a frost blanket. With the exception of a few years in spring and summer, a cut lemon tree will live for up to two years. Lemon trees grown from a single cutting can take years to bear fruit, while lemons from Citrus meyeri can take one to two years.

How to Grow Lemon Tree from a Cutting?


How to Grow Lemon Tree from a Cutting?

Preparing the Container

  • Fill a gallon of water and a half-gallon bucket of earth into a tub to catch the cut so it can be potted right away.
  • Since it has many drainage creatures and can carry up to a gallon of soil in a single day without taking more than a few days, this container can last a long time.
  • Because peat-based growth initially resists water, add water and stir until the mixture retains moisture.
  • Garden soil should not be used because it may contain harmful fungi and bacteria, and it should not be used in the same way as peat moss because it may damage the plant.
  • Coconut is an environmentally friendly alternative to peat and moss. It is finely wetted and contains a high concentration of coconut oil and other coconut products such as coconut milk. Use this to wash away any sea salt that has collected on the coconuts.

Taking a Cutting


Taking a Cutting


Lemon pruning is best done in late spring and early summer, when the fruit is ripening and gaining energy for root development.

  • Nodes are the nodes that shape the leaves and contain the cell types required for root development. Nodes may also cause leaf loss and the growth of new leaves, among other issues.
  • Yellow leaves and stunted growth can also be a concern because they can weaken the root system and interfere with the growth of new leaves.
  • Disinfect the stem by cutting it at a 90-degree angle with a sharp, non-serrated knife. Until bringing the cutting material to work, wrap it in a damp paper towel and store it in an airtight container for at least 24 hours.

Plotting the Cutting

  • To detect the knot, cut the stem-ground at a 45-degree angle with a disinfected knife and extract the two lower leaves. To prevent moisture loss, remove all four leaves from the potted lemon tree, followed by two more leaves at the top and one at the bottom.
  • Press the mixture into the stem and create a hole in the bedridden moist growth mixture to hold the two lower nodes and the lemon slices. Apply this mixture to the stems so that the hormone dust adheres to the inside of the stem.
  • Cover the pot with a large transparent plastic bag and cut one or two 1-inch slices through the bag to allow excess moisture to escape. Keep the bag tightly with chopsticks or wire and securely to the cuttings to prevent them from sticking. Since cutting the lemon tree necessitates heat and high humidity, cover the pots with large, clear plastic bags.

Rooting the Cutting

Cutting a lemon tree necessitates some root maintenance, but if you fulfill the requirements, you have a fair shot.

  • Try to keep the heat steady and adapt the root to the tree’s conditions, with all of its shortcomings.
  • The root thrives in high-temperature, low-humidity environments with little or no humidity and no associated loss.
  • Avoid direct sunlight, which can strain the cut, and position the cut in a place that becomes light and diffuse.
  • Keep the rising mixture moist by misting it throughout the day and allowing the surface to dry out before watering.
  • Enable the cut to adapt to normal moisture for a few minutes before removing the bag completely.
  • Examining the roots: Since root bales differ in length, pull very carefully at the cut’s base. If they resist the push, remove the root and drag, and test it again.

Transplanting and Aftercare

  • Plant your lemon cut in a 1-gallon garden container filled with regular potting soil if it shows signs of growth.
  • Fill the pot with water from an excess drip hole and drain it out when the bottom feels dry.
  • Put your pot in a bright, sheltered outdoor location where the temperature stays above 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Place your lemon tree in a pot for at least one season before transplanting it to a permanent pot with a drainage borehole in your garden in the spring.
  • Lemon trees are not strong foraging plants, so pot them and dissolve them in 1 gallon of water for a season.

Frequently Answered Questions Regarding Lemon Trees

How to Fertilize a Lemon Tree?

Fertilize young lemon trees once every 1-2 months during their active growing period and once every 1-3 months while the tree is dormant in the fall and winter. When the trees are dormant, they do not need to be fertilized, but during active development, the frequency of fertilization should be increased to once every 2-3 months. Choose a nitrogen-rich fertilizer or a balanced NPK fertilizer, preferably one designed specifically for citrus.

If the tree isn’t flowering, consider giving it some phosphorus-rich fertilizer, such as a bone meal. It will not be able to grow blossoms if it lacks phosphorus (which means no fruit.). Fertilize the tree with a foliar spray or by spreading it out in a ring around the root. Make sure the fertilizer is not too close to the tree’s trunk.

How to Prune a Lemon Tree?

Lemon trees, unlike other fruiting trees, do not need daily pruning. Sprouts, dead or weak limbs, and crossing branches should all be discarded. Larger trees can also benefit from pruning to improve light penetration. After the fall harvest, prune lemon trees with sharp shears or a saw and wear heavy gloves to cover your hands from the thorns.

To avoid damaging the bark, always make the cuts with the blade facing the wood. Using a three-cut method for big branches. Begin with an angled cut 10-12 inches from the branch union, then cut a third of the way through the branch from the opposite side. Finish by severing the branch about an inch up its circumference.

How to Water Lemon Trees?

Watering citrus plants, such as lemon, can be difficult because too little or too much water has the same effect – potential death—water container-grown lemon trees in the same way that you would a houseplant. Water deeply at regular intervals, allowing the soil to dry between waterings.

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Caution should be exercised when providing too much water, as citrus do not thrive with wet roots. Make sure the container has plenty of drainage holes and set the plant on a pebble-filled saucer. The relative humidity is also significant. In the winter, when the air is cold and dry, use a humidifier. Water lemon trees in the ground once a week, either manually or by rainfall.

Why is the Lemon Tree dropping Leaves?

Lemon trees have an unusual feature in that they retain their leaves when the tree is dry and only lose them when it is watered again. It is important to be consistent when watering citrus in general. Overwatering can cause the tree to lose leaves because these trees do not like “wet feet” (roots). In addition, a lack of fertilization can cause a lemon tree to drop its leaves. All three of these things trigger stress in the tree, and falling leaves are the tree’s response to that stress.

Why are Leaves turning Yellow on the Lemon Tree?

Lemon trees with yellow leaves may be suffering from a lack of water. When lemons are water-stressed, they retain their leaves (until they are watered again), but the leaves will turn yellow as the last appeal for water. In-ground lemon trees should be watered once a week, depending on rainfall, and those in containers should be watered like you would a houseplant when the soil has dried or is mildly damp. Add a few inches of mulch as well to help the soil retain moisture. Insect pests or diseases may also be to blame for yellowing leaves.

Why does my Lemon Tree have Thorns?

It’s surprising to see a lemon tree armed with thorns, given how aromatic, lovely, and delicious its fruit is. Nature gave the tree these spikes for the same purpose that animals like porcupines have quills – to shield them from predators. Thorns on citrus plants are most common on young, tender trees and less common on mature trees. Since thorns can be a pain in the harvester’s hand, thornless hybrids have been created and are widely available to gardeners.

What causes Fruit Drop on Lemon Trees?

One reason a lemon can drop fruit is if it has set more fruit than it can sustain. This is natural and has no bearing on the final product. In fact, this is nature’s way of thinking itself. If the fruit drop on lemon trees is excessive, it is most likely due to an environmental factor such as too much or too little water, insufficient fertilization, over-pruning, disease or insect predation.

Why doesn’t my Lemon tree Bloom?

If a lime or lemon tree has never bloomed, it may be due to poor rootstock; otherwise, the problem is most likely a watering or fertilizing issue. Lemons need constant irrigation; too much or too little irritates them. They also need a citrus tree fertilizer that is high in potash and low in nitrogen.

Excess nitrogen can produce beautiful foliage but will not stimulate the tree to produce blooms and, therefore, fruit. Phosphorus addition would also promote blooming. Lemon trees often don’t need much pruning, only the removal of spurs and dead or diseased branches. Fruit develops at the tips of the leaves, so any pruning should be done with caution. It’s likely that overzealous pruning is to blame.

How to care for Potted Lemon Trees?

Warmer weather Lemon dwarf varieties are ideal for container development. Make sure the container has enough ventilation and is on wheels if you want to drive it around quickly. Lemon trees need regular watering, so make a schedule and stick to it. Lemons grown in containers must also be fertilized on a regular basis.

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Low nitrogen, slow-release fertilizer is an excellent way to feed the flower, allowing it to consume essential nutrients over time. Since humidity is important for your lemon tree, mist it daily or position it over a pebble tray. Remove any sucker roots, as well as any dead or diseased limbs. When the weather cools, bring the tree inside.

How to care for Lemon Trees in Winter?

Lemon trees thrive when temperatures are in the 70s during the day and drop to about 55 F. () at night. When temperatures fall below this level, the tree goes dormant and can be destroyed by freezing temperatures. So, if you live in a cooler climate, growing lemon in a jar is the best option. Ensure that the container has wheels so that the tree can be safely carried indoors during the winter.

To add humidity to the air, place a pebble tray in the pot or use a humidifier in the winter. Reduce fertilization during the winter months. Fluorescent grow lights may be used to supplement illumination. When the weather warms up, bring the lemon outside to be pollinated by bees and other insects. Alternatively, depending on your venue, you can be able to find a cold hardy citrus variety.

Conclusion: How to Grow Lemon Tree from a Cutting?

It is not difficult to grow a lemon tree. Growing lemons from cutting can be a very satisfying activity as long as you provide for their basic needs. Just be careful about all the negative things that may occur while growing lemon trees from a cutting, and you’re safe to go!

Elysha Murphy

I'm Elysha Murphy, the creator of Easier Gardening. I am very passionate about gardening, and love sharing everything I learn about them.

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