What Causes Grass to Turn Yellow? Reasons you should Know

What Causes Grass to Turn Yellow?

What Causes Grass to Turn Yellow and How to Solve the Problem?: Has your beautiful green lawn suddenly filled with yellow grasses? You must be wondering what causes grass to turn yellow.

Well, it can happen due to multiple reasons. At first, you may think that it’s some kind of disease. In some cases, that’s true, but in most cases, reason can be anything. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you about the causes of why grass turns yellow in your garden. Besides, we’ll also provide you with the solutions to those problems.

What Causes Grass to Turn Yellow? Causes with Solutions


What Causes Grass to Turn Yellow? Causes with Solutions


Here, we’ve listed some of the most common reasons that turn grass yellow. Moreover, at the end of every reason, we will also tell you how you can get rid of that problem and get a shining green lawn.

  • Wrong Fertilization

You fertilize your garden to keep it healthy. But it can turn out to be the cause of the yellow grass. However, there can be two problems related to fertilization, which are:

  • Overfertilization
  • Under fertilization

If you spread excess fertilizer on the ground, it may make the soil poisonous. And it will affect the grass. Hence, they can turn yellow and end up dead.

On the other hand, if you don’t use much fertilizer, that also can be a problem. It can result in a lack of nutrients in your soil.

If you see only a few patches of grasses turned yellow, then it’s due to iron deficiency. Similarly, if the whole lawn turns yellow, that’s due to a lack of nitrogen.

Solutions: Now the question is, how do you know if you have over-fertilized or under-fertilized. And how you can solve it. If you have proper knowledge of fertilization, then you may have realized what you did wrong. But if not, then it’s best to test your soil.

You can use this soil test kit to find out the problem. This is easy to use, and you don’t need to go to someone else. After running the test, you will know the problem.

So, once you have identified the problem, change your fertilization according to that. In case of over-fertilization, reduce the amount. Similarly, increase the amount of fertilization in case of deficiency.

  • Improper Watering & Weak Drainage System


Improper Watering & Weak Drainage System


Improper watering can also be a cause behind the yellow grasses. The most common reason is watering too much. That’s because the excess water prevents oxygen from reaching the root. Hence the roots fail to grow. As a result, the grass may turn yellow. Besides, a weak drainage system also can be a problem here. After watering, if the excess water has nowhere to go, then it will create trouble.

Solutions: However, the solution to this problem is simple.

First, improve the drainage system if you haven’t yet. It will allow the excess water to drain. Therefore, your grass will have a healthy life.

Then if the drainage system is okay, focus on the watering routine. You can water the grass early in the morning. After that, the sun will dry the surface. However, you don’t need to water too frequently. Only do it when the upper portion of the soil is dry.

  • Grass Disease

Often yellow grass indicates disease. These common illnesses are caused by fungal problems. These diseases include:

  • Fairy rings
  • Dollar spot
  • Smut
  • Snow Mold

So, why do diseases attack your grasses? Well, the most familiar reason is improper maintenance. If your lawn has too much water or lacks nutrition, then this can happen.

Solutions: Not to worry, you can easily solve this problem. Proper maintenance should do the job for you. Besides, you also can use a good fungicide if you feel the problem is too much.

You should do the following things regularly for proper maintenance:

  • Watering
  • Proper Mowing
  • Thatching &
  • Aerating

These will give you beautiful green grasses.

  • Pests




Those tiny pests can often be fatal for the grasses on your lawn. They absorb the nutrition from the root of the grass. Consequently, the grass turns yellow.

However, most of the time, young pests create such problems. Besides, they stay under the soil usually. Therefore, it’s tough to identify them. But don’t worry, we also have a treatment for this issue.

Solutions: First, take a magnifying glass and get down on your knees on the lawn. After that, dig up a little bit and closely inspect the grass and its roots. You should be looking for larvae or any kind of insect.

Once you identify the pests, the best way is to get insecticides for that particular pest. Proper maintenance will also improve the situation a bit.

  • Animal Urine

Do you have any pets in your home? If yes, their urine can cause problems to your grasses. That’s because animal urine consists of a large amount of nitrogen. Dog urine is the most common reason for yellow grass. If your dog just roams around and pee in the grass, it will turn the grass yellow.

Solutions: The only logical solution here is to stop your pets from urinating on the grass. Train them to pee somewhere else, and the problem is solved.

Learn more about How Long Does It Take for Grass to Dry After Rain?

Conclusion: What Causes Grass to Turn Yellow?

Hopefully, now you know what causes grass to turn yellow, and you can work on it with the solutions we provided. In short, proper maintenance of your lawn will prevent the grass from facing such problems. The right method includes proper fertilization, watering, and mowing your lawn regularly.

If you follow these simple guidelines, you won’t have to face any problems with your beautiful green lawn.

Elysha Murphy

I'm Elysha Murphy, the creator of Easier Gardening. I am very passionate about gardening, and love sharing everything I learn about them.

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